General Info
 Registration for 
Individuals Open Gym League
Sundays - Indoor
This page was last updated on: October 10, 2023
First Name:
Last Name:
  Use this form for signing up as an individual to play in the Open Gym League 
Sundays at Ingraham HS from 4:30 to 6:30 PM 
Under this open gym format you will play 5 games each night but your team mates will rotate on 4 of the 5  games. When the team you are on wins a game, you as an individual will earn a point in the standings.  Standings are based upon average score to balance out the differences in attendance.  Prizes awarded at end of season require a minimum attendance of 4 sessions to qualify.

This open gym is much different than the typical open gym.  It is unique not only because of the individual point structure and prizes but because players are rotated in a fair organized method.  It is a structured league format run for individuals.  All the players are mixed for the first 2 games and then separated based upon skill level across four to six  courts depending on the attendance that night.  With 4 courts, there is an  A , BB, B and B-/C level separation.

This Open Gym League is great for those:

Fall series runs Oct. 15 to Dec. 10, 2023
 with no Session on Nov. 26th, 2023 - Thanksgiving weekend
Winter series runs Jan. 7 to Mar. 10, 2024
with no sessions on Feb. 11 (Super Bowl) or Feb. 18 (Pres. Day weekend)
Spring series runs Mar. 24 to May 19, 2024 
with no sessions Mar. 31 (Easter)

The cost is $100 for the 8 session Fall season, if paid by Zelle, $105 if paid by check. 4 sessions cost $60 if paid by Zelle, $65 if paid by check. The prorated cost for later starts in any season is $12 per remaining number of sessions PLUS a one-time registration fee of $10.  Or you can choose $22 per single session.  These latter pricing options are subject to space limitations, full time players who RSVP to Team Cowboy by noon Friday of the week they want to play have preference.  Money Back Guarantee:  Try it your first night -- if not satisfied and withdraw from the program on the first night, we will fully refund whatever you have paid.

The form on this page is for unattached individuals seeking to register for the 4:30 to 6:30 PM open gym only.   All players must also fill out a waiver form once during the calendar year.  The 2023 Waiver Form is linked below. 
email me
Exciting Concept for Open Gym - A League for Individuals.  Compete for prizes. 
Fall Season from October 15 - December 10, 2023  
No volleyball Nov. 26 (Thanksgiving weekend)
Sorry, Full.  Please register to be on wait list or consider Level 3 Individual Team. 
Registration may re-open once we determine attendance levels.
All players must also fill out the online waiver form using the link below.  On this form, please select "Open Gym" for your team from the drop-down menu.  If you are also playing on one of our regular league teams, please select "Open Gym" for your 2nd or 3rd team on the form. If you completed the 2023 waiver form for a team already (since it was published in Dec. 2022), just email us at [email protected] to let us know and we will add Open Gym to your waiver.  
This must be done before you first play but only once per calendar year.  

Player Waiver Registration Form 2023
Payment and Refund Policy:
Your check will not be cashed until we confirm we have the minimum number for an open gym.  After that point all individual refunds are subject to a $10 handling fee except on your first night of participation there is a money back guarantee and all funds paid are refundable if you are not satisfied and withdraw. 

   On Line Registration Form Begins Here
Complete registration and click "Submit" (only once).
Enter phone numbers with area code in this format (XXX) XXX-XXXX. Please provide at least one phone # for emergency contact.
Cell Phone:
Work Phone:
Home Phone:
Re-enter Email:
Which Level will you consider playing on?
(Check all that you are available): 
Which Level is your first preference? 
(check one only):
Positions you play (Optional)
(Check all that apply): 
Where have you played?
How long have you played?
Have you played in HS, college or club?
Have you received coaching or attended classes?
Familiar with 6-2 or 5-1 ?
$100 Standard Price for 8 session full season if paying by Zelle (includes $9.30 sales tax) $105 if paying by check.

FULL-TIMERS (Currently Full)
$60 for any 
4 sessions if paying by Zelle (includes $5.58 sales tax) 
$65 if paying by check.

Subject to space limitations
$22 for any 
single session

​Subject to space limitations
Mail or hand deliver checks to 2821 2nd Ave #1201, Seattle, WA 98121 (hand deliveries can be dropped off in an envelope with the name Scott Baumler on the outside anytime to the Lobby Attendant at the front desk at that address 24/7.  If hand delivering, please put in an envelope with the name Scott Baumler on the outside. You can also pay online via Zelle (download the App, follow the instructions and send money to [email protected]   Sorry -we do not accept credit card or debit cards.

                 For the Prorated cost of $12 per remaining session PLUS $10, please email for payment instructions .

             Please put Open Gym League on the memo line on your check or when using Zelle. 

                                                                            A/E Volleyball Association
                                                                                   c/o Scott Baumler
                                                                              2821 Second Ave. #1201
                                                                                   Seattle, WA 98121
                                                                                       (206) 782-8030
Comments (Optional)
Prices below reflect payment using Zelle sending to [email protected] (add $5 if mailing or providing a check).  Make checks out to A/E Volleyball. Please note Open Gym on Zelle or check memo line
Full.  Register and hit Submit to be on the Wait List.   We may reopen registration once we monitor attendance. Consider Registration for Level 3 Individual Team
Libero or Def. Spec.